3 Year Old Pre-School Group Information

Our aim at Leslie Moorhead Pre-School is to create a warm and caring learning environment where our children have a sense of belonging to the 3 year old group.
We believe in building strong partnerships with parents and families and value their contribution to our program.
Our play based curriculum gives the children time to explore their interests and make new discoveries, helping each child reach their full potential.
Excursions and incursions are incorporated into the program throughout the year to extend the children’s interests and learning.
“Mr Bear” is a much loved bear at kinder that a child gets to take home each week.  The child documents Mr Bear’s adventures and shares this information with the group the following week.  This activity fosters the connection between home and kinder as well as giving the children a sense of identify and community.
If you would like any further information about the 3 year old program please do not hesitate to contact us at the kinder on 03 5975 2472  Cassie is available on a Wednesday afternoon .

3 Year Old Jellyfish Group Session times:

Please Note: This may change for 2023, we are considering extending 3 Year Old session duration, a decision will be made by 8th April 2022.

 Jellyfish Group attends 1 session each week totaling 5 hours.
WEDNESDAY        9:30am – 2:30pm

3 Year Old Group Team

Cassie De Freitas (Bachelor of Teaching (Early Childhood) Monash University
Abbey Holt (Diploma)
The teacher is responsible for keeping records and planning the experiences of the group and the educator helps with the implementation of the plan.

Fees for 3 Year Old Pre-School

Fees for the 3 Year Old Pre-School sessions 2022 are $160 per term or $740 per annum, includes the $100 Enrolment Fee.