Our Philosophy

Our Philosophy

Leslie Moorhead Pre-School aims to provide a secure, nurturing learning environment ensuring that each child reaches their full potential.

We are committed to include all children, and embrace their interests, abilities, culture, and family structure and ensure their voice is heard.

We want our children to be happy, safe, and empowered. We support and respect all children, as well as our staff and volunteers.

We believe families are our most important source of information in children’s lives; and value each one for its uniqueness and cultural diversity. Open, cooperative relationships between staff and families ensures seamless continuity of learning and emotional support between home, pre-school, school, and the community.  We embrace families’ participation in our program and encourage them to share their culture and meaningful celebrations and events.

Best practice is reflected through the quality and commitment of our friendly, professional, dedicated staff members.

Our adapted program reflects each individual child. It is guided by our families, our Philosophy, NQS, the Victorian Early Years Learning Framework, the Early Years Assessment and Learning Tool and Child Safe Standards.

Our strong focus on learning through play encourages children to be curious, independent, creative, and resilient learners.

Our spacious outdoor environment and use of natural materials encourages the children to explore, discover and use their imagination. This provides learning to care for their local natural environment and practise sustainability.

Partnerships within the community are valued and embedded in our practice to enrich learning and expose children to a wide variety of learning about the world around us. This is scaffolded through onsite and offsite educational programs.

We believe that First Nations culture fosters connection to the natural world and encourages a sense of togetherness which children will carry into many aspects of their future lives.

French is incorporated into our everyday learning experiences to give children meaningful opportunities to use language themselves. Children learn through play, music, singing, dancing, cooking and stories.

Our staff and parent committee are dedicated to working together to manage, maintain and continually improve our service.

Leslie Moorhead Pre-School Centre Inc.

Reviewed and updated January 2024